Christmas Adopt-a-Child
What Is It?
Each Christmas, Bel Air United Methodist provides an opportunity for friends and members to help a needy child have a merry Christmas.
Who Do We Serve?
Mason-Dixon provides names of families to our Adopt-a-Child coordinator.
What Do We Do?
Our Ministry Coordinator works with ‘Family Coordinators’ to find the wishes and needs of the children. Our volunteers receive the name, age, and wish/needs of child and will spend $50 towards fulfilling the wish/need and will donate $10 towards the food costs for a traditional Christmas dinner for the family. Our volunteers also attend the Toy Workshop to find clean, refurbished toys to give their child.
How Can You Help?
Sign up to adopt-a-child or to serve as a Family Coordinator in November. More information will be in the Spire, e-Spire, and church bulletins as Christmas approaches. Questions? Please contact Jeanne Arseneau at mysticheaven805(at)
Adopt-a-Child is supported solely through volunteers and donors. If you wish to make a financial contribution to this ministry, please click