Local Church Ministries

Chancel Choir
Chancel Choir
Praises the Lord with song at the 9:15 am sanctuary service. Singing is a lot of fun, a great opportunity to make some wonderful friends, and a great opportunity to praise the LORD!
Chancel Choir rehearsal are on Wednesdays from 7:30 pm – 8:30 is in room 103. (September – mid June)
Dave Tramontana tramontanat(at)baumc.com

Youth Choir
Youth Choir
Showcases 6th -12th grade youth musical participation in worship services. Youth Choir rehearses on Sundays at 4 pm – 6 pm in the Choir Room 103. Grades 6 – 12 are invited. In addition to rehearsal, dinner will be provided. (September – May)
For details, contact Kristen Brought at kwbrought(at)yahoo.com.

Children’s Choir
Children’s Choir
Showcases children’s musical participation in worship services. Children’s Choir rehearse on Sundays at 10:30 am in the Community Room. 4 yr olds through 5th graders are invited. (September – May)
For details, contact Rev. Deb Lampton lamptond(at)baumc.com

Sine Nomine Bell Ringers
Sine Nomine Bell Ringers
Amy Adkins amyrileyadkins(at)gmail.com

Faith Under Fire
Faith Under Fire

Altar Guild
Altar Guild
The Altar Guild prepares and maintains the sanctuary and its furnishings as required, facilitating appropriate and joyful worship of God; recruits acolytes
How to serve: Prepare the sanctuary for worship each week on a rotating schedule; prepare the sanctuary for Christmas and Easter celebrations; train acolytes; guide acolytes on Sunday morning. For details, contact Kathy Frawley at ka.frawley1(at)gmail.com.
Fifth, Sixth and Seventh Graders!! You can serve God as an Acolyte. Short commitment, long benefits! For details, contact Kathy Frawley at ka.frawley1(at)gmail.com.
Provides food services for church events, Confirmation classes, funerals, special events, etc.
How to serve: Set tables, wash dishes, help with food preparation, serve guests, bake desserts for events, etc. For more details, contact Alice Archer at aaarcher@comcast.net.
Welcome and Information Center
Offers a friendly smile and greeting from the desk each Sunday, meets the needs of newcomers and members, answers the phone and contacts the appropriate staff for emergencies
How to serve: Volunteer on a rotating basis to serve at the desk or be a rover. For more info, please e-mail info@baumc.com.
Sunday Morning Fellowship
Provides refreshments for a casual gathering of worshipers before and after Sunday services
How to serve: Assist with setting up, serving and cleaning up. For more detail, please contact Alice Archer at aaarcher@comcast.net.
Office Volunteer
Answers phones, greets people, helps with general office work. Hours needed is 11:00 am – 1:00 pm.
For more detail, please contact Debbie Atteberry at atteberryd(at)baumc.com
Pew Racks
Neatens and restocks the pew racks with envelopes, prayer request cards and specialty envelopes
For more detail, please e-mail info@baumc.com
Hospital Visitation
For more detail, please e-mail info@baumc.com
Shepherd Ministry
Serves as Christian friends to members of God’s family by caring for one another; assists people who are experiencing crisis as well as individuals who are challenged with chronic or serious illness; serves senior citizens by being a friend through notes, phone calls and visits
How to serve: Participate in a training program designed to provide background, purpose and necessary details for starting and continuing one’s role as a Shepherd.
For more detail, please e-mail Dave Parker at dcparker2017@gmail.com
Parish Nurse
For more detail, please e-mail Barb Sedlak at bls1975@hotmail.com.
Hospital Visitation
For more detail, please e-mail info@baumc.com.
Prayer Chain
Prays for people who provide prayer requests to the church and at Sunday worship services
How to serve: Join the email prayer chain (prayerchain@baumc.com)
Wednesday Night Prayer Team
Meets and prays weekly for the spiritual health of BAUMC, its leaders, ministries and programs, as well as the people who are on the prayer chain.
College Box Ministry
Sends a care package and prayer to each of our college students twice a year prior to finals
How to serve: Donate snacks; purchase gift cards; assist with various administrative needs in the weeks leading up to package preparation; assemble care packages
For more detail, please e-mail Cathy Kogler cathy.kogler@verizon.net.